Embodied Boundaries 101

Boundaries, we know we need to have them, but how do we actually create them, keep them and evolve them to ensure our relational world remains healthy and thriving? 

In this pre-recorded series we will be exploring the nuanced world of boundaries via relational transmission teachings and anchoring in those teachings via Kelsey's signature embodiment method Embodied Alchemy. 

The Embodied Alchemy Method is a guided alchemical embodiment practice designed to resensitize the body, expand emotional capacity, root deeper into your holding of reality and allow the deeper emergence of truth to reveal itself to you and through you.

In other words Embodied Alchemy will be used to support you in clearing out stuck energy in your body that is impacting your communication and capacity to create and maintain your boundaries. The guided movement practice is a real time too to instantly alchemize anxiety, fear, anger, disgust, overthinking, or to re-sensitize the body if you’re in a state of functional freeze. Over time and consistent practice, expand your somatic and nervous system capacity and regulation. 

When it comes to boundaries you need your body on board and the embodiment sessions are designed specifically for that.

Boundaries are often misunderstood as barriers or blocks to connection, and for anyone who values connection, we can understand immediately why we may have developed a resistance to setting them. 


But true embodied boundaries don't cut connection, they deepen it.

Embodied boundaries are the high quality information people need to love you best. They are the gateway to deeper intimacy, aliveness, deep connection and truly being known, loved and cherished. 

With this frame of reference, it makes sense that we would want to feel good and CONFIDENT in our ability to set and most importantly back up our boundaries. 

A boundary is only as good as your willingness and ability to stick to it. Boundaries without aligned action are just empty threats that break connection and trust. 

So we're doing things different in this program.

In this series I'm teaching you:

•What your boundary blueprint is and how it shapes your relationships and unconscious patterns with boundaries.

• How to destigmatize boundaries and anchor them to the belief of respect = embodied boundaries.

• The 3 different types of boundaries.

• The 6 main areas you need to have boundaries to be in your alignment, power and have healthy relationships.

• How to back up your boundaries and stick to an aligned boundary consequence. 

• How you deal with boundary violations and what happens IN you when your boundaries are crossed and how to remain more embodied and regulated. 

• What RELATIONAL boundaries are and how to set them in a way that deepens connection, understanding and intimacy. 

• Dealing with boundary bullies and people who get triggered AF with your boundaries. Understanding how to navigate their emotional escalation and how its a form of manipulation designed to have you back off your own boundary.  

• How to create boundaries that are generative and ENHANCE your quality of life, the joy, magic and possibility in your world. 

• How to strike the right balance between not enough boundaries and too many. 

• How boundaries lead you to an activation and embodiment of your true power, agency and embodied aliveness. 


It's a power packed series, not one you're going to want to miss. 

What you'll receive:

  • Lifetime access to your 9 Embodied Boundary Modules
  • 5 Embodied Alchemy Sessions + playlists for each class.
  • 3 Pre-recorded coaching calls
  • Integration and reflection inquiries to deepen your understanding and embodiment of YOUR boundaries. 

[ There are no refunds with this program, please be clear on your desire to join before committing. ]

What People Are Saying:

My journey with Kelsey and her Embodied Alchemy method stated after a horrendous break up. For years I had been abandoning myself, disconnected from my body and soul, and tolerating ALOT of BS. I used food as a way to fill what felt like a scary empty space within me, and to avoid feeling the truth of my situation. When I finally left my toxic relationship, I was heartbroken and lost. Kelsey was starting her Resentment series and I signed up without knowing much but feeling desperate. This series allowed me to gently access my grief, anger and sadness. As I was given permission to safely feel my emotions, access the sensations in my body and code in approval for them I began to really FEEL myself. A sweet softness arose in me that I had been over riding and ignoring in a period full of drama and stress. As my capacity to be with my more difficult emotions grew, I was able to access more joy, love and excitement. I felt colour come back into my life! I was supported with the most amazing mentoring when I needed help understanding and processing things. I signed up to the next series, and the next! After that I joined Kelsey's year long container on relationships, and it's no coincidence that in the final month of that course I met my partner. Our relationships is the relationship I dreamt of when I first started this work! Where there was once disconnect and disempowerment there is so much love, reverence and self worth. I trust I have the capacity to feel my truth and advocate for it, so I'm all about creating a life that is by my design! I continue to work with Kelsey and am so excited about what's next!! Watch this space!

Nina M

As a psychotherapist, in my profession I take on a lot of folks grief and try not to take it home with me. Since joining this group of Embodied Alchemy movement, Kelsey has guided me to move with my discomfort of big emotions and not hold them in or push them down. As Carl Jung would say... "What we resist persists." I have been intrigued with alchemy and therapy for some time. Kelsey has created a beautiful and inclusive space for us all to connect to ourselves and guides us through non linear movement. It's been a game changing program for my mental and physical health. I am able to move my energy in this program with tools and guidance that I never had before. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking towards shifting their relationship with themselves and creating deeper connections with others by allowing yourself permission to feel and move with big emotions and not let them build up in your body. I am honoured to share my experience. Lovingly, Danielle B

Danielle B

$555.00 USD